Las Crosses
Book Discussion Questions
General Questions
Did you like the book? Why or why not?
Are there any aspects of the book which you wish were different?
Do you feel connected with any of the characters? Who and why?
Can you guess the meaning of the title, "Las Crosses?" It is about many types of "crosses." How many can you identify? (hint: the answer is at, and maybe the sales pages where the book is sold)
If you know or find out the meaning of the title, do you think the title is appropriate for the book? Why or why not?
Questions on Content
What have you learned about life in China from this book? Is it consistent with what you have already known? Are there any discrepancies?
The book covers many moments and events during the eight months that were important in shaping Apple’s new life. Which moments most influenced the development of Apple’s character and temperament?
Which characters mentioned in the book played significant roles in Apple’s life? Why? In what ways do you relate to these characters?
Is there a historical or cultural background you wish to know to understand Apple and her experience better during these eight months?
Does the story help you understand some of the challenges immigrants face in a new land? Does the story remind you of some immigrants you knew or heard of who experienced similar to even more difficult situations?
Questions on Writing
What makes this book engaging? Are there places you felt lost or needed more information? Was this because of the writing, or because of your unfamiliarity with what was happening in China during that period?
The structure of this memoir is largely chronological. Is this effective at showing the ever-changing environments, Apple's observations and reflections, and the overall story of what happened during those months?
Memoirs are based on memories that the author can recall. Did the events, feelings, and reflections seem realistic to you?